Watch this time lapse video that was made using a GoPro HERO4 Camera
Prints of this painting can be purchased here now: http://www.inprnt.com/gallery/jeremiahjolliff/
An Original Oil Painting executed en plein air by Fine Artist Jeremiah Jolliff
Painting out of doors en plein air is one of the most rewarding activities to do in the fine arts. Take this original art piece that was completed during the spring of 2015. One must only drive around the countryside until spotting a nice, quaint little scene here in rural Ohio. For some reason once an artist gets out of the studio and starts painting outdoors, there seems to be an unlimited amount of masterpieces just waiting to be made manifest here on this plane.
The Locust trees have really caught my eye this year because they have the best little raceme tufts of white flowers that really scintillate against the fresh greens of the newly budding leaves. The color that would best describes these intricate flowering cones on the black locust tree is Winsor & Newton Naples Yellow with a modicum of Winsor & Newton Sap Green and a hefty dose of Winsor & Newton Titanium White.
The composition worked well because the field had a nice and easy curve that followed the overall slope of the landscape. Often times, the rural landscape is defined by right angles, horizontals and perpendiculars because of fence rows and property lines. This was a nice change and is aesthetic in and of itself. Painting landscapes outdoors is very rewarding and also very surprising because one never knows what will be discovered even if it is just down the road within walking distance.
Circumstance would have it, that if one pays close attention to the surroundings, new inspirations can be found in the treasure trove of nature. When outdoor painting be aware and be on the lookout for scenes that have a certain peculiarity. In my experience, there seem to be a countless number of studies near or at the place that was recently discovered. It helps to return to those areas when the weather is different and even a different time of day will cast a place into a totally different Aura.