Watch this time lapse video that was made using a GoPro HERO4 Camera
Prints of this painting can be purchased here now: http://www.inprnt.com/gallery/jeremiahjolliff/
An Original Oil Painting executed en plein air by Fine Artist Jeremiah Jolliff
This painting was completed outdoors during the late summer of 2014. It was a joy to paint because the crops in the fields had begun to turn from the rich green that characterizes the peak of high summer to more yellows and dull orange colors scattered about. The drawing and laying in of the composition is the primary factor that determines if a painting will stand on its own. The relationship in space between the silos and the extreme pitch of the barn roof created a lot of perpendicular activity against the horizontal horizon and separation between foreground, middle-ground, and background.
Carlson’s Guide to Landscape Painting is an invaluable resource when it comes to the philosophy of landscape painting. In his book, he explains the fundamentals of Angles and Consequent Values. He states that there are “four prime planes in a landscape: the flat lying plane of the ground, the upright plane of the trees, the slanting plane of the mountain or hills, and the apparent arch of the sky.” In these angles their consequent values are listed as: the sky is the lightest value, then the flat lying ground, the slanting planes of distant hills are darker than the flat lying ground and the darkest value of all would be the upright planes such as tree. For the most part that holds true, exception being man made structures of course that are painted bright white.
Another interesting aspect that can be noticed is the Tranquilizing Cobalt Blue that can be found in the deep rows of corn. It would be very simple to run riot with such a mesmerizing and saturated blue but like everything else, less is more.